What do you actually know about your transportation service provider? Why should you care?

What do you actually know about your transportation service provider? Why should you care?

You impatiently glance through the window at the parking lot beside the warehouse of the company you are working for. Loud ticking of the clock reverberates in your head, intensifying the impatience caused by the delay of the truck. You decide to call the freight forwarder who is responsible for the organisation of this transport. “Good day, the truck which was supposed to load today should have been here two hours ago. Do you know when we can expect it?” – you ask worriedly. “You know how it is, the driver suddenly got sick, we are looking for a replacement” – the other side responds. Your eyesight is getting blurred, you grab the windowsill in order not to fall down. You hang up, then you blindly start calling the other companies. You hear the same responses all over again: “I will check” or “we will not manage on such a short notice”. And no one is calling back. You already know that the order will not be delivered to the customer on time. You are aware that your company will lose a lucrative contact and that you will be the one bearing the consequences.

Let us help you to get out of this situation unscathed. Let’s turn back time. You are once again sitting behind your desk, where you check the incoming orders. Your work phone is ringing. It is the same freight forwarder, who stood you up before. They want to make you an offer. Go on, pick up. We will guide you and point out what questions to ask to have the full picture of who you are starting the cooperation with. As a result, it will prevent unpleasant situations.

Question: Do you have your own fleet, contracted haulers or do you sell the loads via transportation exchange systems?

Why does it matter? The safest option is to have a hauler with their own fleet. It guarantees stability during the order fulfillment and prevents the shipment to be dependent on current market conditions. The brokers, who do not have their own trucks, rely on transportation companies. It is worth noting that the service provider with their own fleet can also provide greater flexibility, ie. placement of the trailer 1-2 days before the loading date.

Question: How many trucks do you have and of which type?

Why does it matter? Fleet diversity allows easy access to the buyers, spanning throughout entire Europe; furthermore, your customer will recognise a trusted business partner in you, who can manage and fulfill an order from A to Z. You might need a truck with a trailer one time, and a quick van delivering only one pallet for the next. The need for a taillift might occur when the logistics facilities are non-existent at the unloading spot. What will you do, when a box trailer is needed instead of standard tautliner? It is worth it to be prepared.

Question: How do you reduce the risk of cargo theft?

Why does it matter? The objectives are to deliver the ordered goods on time and in pristine condition. Quality transportation companies are offering interesting solution to this problem, making the access to the goods by the thief impossible or difficult – ie. Transkap has its trailers equipped with embedded metal nets. Even if the exterior is cut, the access is severely restricted. Additionally, we use secured parking lots, sending the entry ticket as proof on customer’s demand.

Question: What is the average age of your fleet?               

Why does it matter? The average time of fleet usage determines the failure rate, influencing security and delivery time.

Question: How do you verify the carriers from the freight exchange?

Why does it matter? Once again we touch upon the aspect of security. A well-done verification process prevents entrusting the cargo to the wrong person. In our company we pay attention to the insurance limit, the communicativeness between the forwarder and the driver, the duration of the company’s existence on the market, among other things.

Question: What do you specialise in?

Why does it matter? Every branch of industry poses unique challenges for the carriers. If you build exhibition stands, you surely want the driver to be aware of the long loading process and able to move around the biggest European fairs. If you produce food packaging, then certainly the preference would be for the hauler to specialise in the transportation of clean and odourless goods. If you want to transport perfume fragrances during he summer, you count on your business partner to be familiar with specific requirements. The examples could go on and on – you are the one who knows best about the challenges of your industry. Do not hesitate to ask the tender for the references from the representatives from the same field!

Question: How far is the carrier’s company situated from yours? Do you have spare trailers, tractors and a driver on site?

Why does it matter? The location close to the the company you are working for drastically reduces the time of response for unexpected requests. If your existing hauler stands you up and does not provide a vehicle for you, it is worth having a befriended company nearby. If they have spare trailers, tractors and a driver on site – as we do – your goods have a much better chance of arriving on the time despite the obstacles.

Question: What is the insurance amount? What is its scope?

Why does it matter? Being insured against unexpected events, such as robbery, will give you a piece of mind. It is also worth noting whether the insurance covers transportation within the country of delivery.

Question: What are your prices dependent on?

Why does it matter? You surely want to reach regular customers. Fixed transportation price equals stable prices for the buyer purchasing the product. The client will appreciate the offered stability, with all certainty. The freight exchange market is very whimsical, leading to the fast-pacing, and sometimes extreme, price changes.

The prices for the service does not depend on the fluctuating market, but solely on the costs of doing business – fuel prices, employee payments etc.

Ensure stability and do not use the services of the market crashers!

Question: Will the freight forwarder be available outside working hours?

Why does it matter? There are industries, such as trade fairs and events, in which the availability of the forwarder can save the entire project. Forgot to load an important table onto the truck that just left to Copenhagen? A great forwarder will organise a car or a van at 8 p.m. to make sure that your project will be completed!

Remember that the quality of service differs from one company to another and that a tempting offer does not necessarily equal the low price. Transkap company has 70. trucks in its fleet and a list of certified carriers. Are you curious about how we certify our third-party carriers? Contact us for more details and we will make sure that you never lose your sleep caused by the stress coming from organising transportation!


Weronika Cieślak